A slight breeze was blowing this morning, but the waves that were crashing on to the shore have mellowed. Looks like we might have a go. With that in mind we eat a hearty breakfast of pancakes and are on the water by 6:30. The weather does not seem settled, but seems like we will be able to have at least a couple hours of paddling in before the wind returns. On the way across Donna just about collides with a sea lion. It jumped right in front of her boat and then turned around to follow her. Don't think that it liked being surprised. We were on the shore by the marina at 8:30. Glad to be on the move after having spent 3 nights at the last camp site. A weather report was at the dock. If it is accurate we will be spending some time here as well. Our tasks once we landed were to refill our water and go grocery shopping. Don does the water and Donna does the food. Both were successful tasks. As we were waiting for the errands to be completed, Donna met a women who was at the booth near the dock. She was helpful in helping us with the internet and also where to camp for the night. Her name was Brisamarina which means sea breeze. She has lived here all her life. We took her suggestion and moved to a place by the lighthouse. From here it is a 45 minute walk to town. We are surrounded by dunes which give us some protection from the wind. Tonight we slept warm because we put all our clothes on. The wind continues to blow. Good chance we will be here tomorrow.