The seas were calm last night. It was if we were camped on the shores of a huge lake. A beautiful sunrise greeted us as we loaded our boats and paddled South. We heard whales sounding and numerous loons calling. It was a surreal morning. A large raft of Grebes seemed to be enjoying the morning as well. It was a morning of silence as we listened to the sounds around us. Several weeks ago we had crossed the bay rather then paddle the shore, This time however, we enjoyed being closer to the shore and checking it out. We decided to take a break and as we neared the beach we saw a man walking along the shore. He came over and introduced himself as John and told us that he was also a kayaker. He had done a 6 month paddle of the sea of Cortez several years ago. He had found an old mining road that came close to this beach and he liked camping here as it was rare for him to see anyone. We traded stories and then it was time to go. Our next stop is at Bahia San Francicito. We hope that Alberto is here and that we can once again, fill up our water droms. The day continues to stay calm and we are hoping to be able to round the next point later this afternoon. There is wind funneling into the bay as well as some current. If the wind picks up we may be stopping here. Alberto is here and tells us more about the history of the area. At one time there were a lot of hard woods near his property. Folks from the mainland came over in sailboats and cut down a lot of the trees in the 30's. A stone corral near the bay was used to keep cattle that were lowered on to the sailboat using the boom and then the cattle were taken to the mainland. He also told us about Carlos Slim who is now is new land neighbor. Carlos Slim who we mentioned before who is quite wealthy is in the process of buying up as much of Baja that he can. Apparently he has been successful at buying a lot of the coast. The weather was still being cooperative so we loaded up the water and headed out to round yet another point. A tidal race was running further out, but we were able to paddle close to shore and not fill its effects. We wanted to visit the town of El Barill in the morning so decided to stop at a spot about a mile north of the town. It was a beautiful white sandy beach that went on for miles. We set up camp knowing that we could sleep in and not be on the water at sunrise. We made pizza and rolls and had to move our kitchen as we were discovered by ants. They were just after any crumbs and after we moved all the food they departed. Glad that we can enjoy this site in the morning.