We had arrived at our campsite late last night and were not able to get photos of this spectacular location. So instead of leaving at first light we decided to have breakfast and wait for the sunrise. The pancakes with homemade applesauce was a treat as we waited for the rays of sun to hit our red rock back drop. We were soon surrounded by a circle of red as the sun rose and lit up the cliffs.
It was well worth the wait
We pushed off, but it would have been easy to stay here and to go exploring.
Heading North to check out what is around the next point.
The wind is from the west this morning, but instead of switching to the North which is normal. The wind shifted to the South and pushed us along in the direction we were heading.
A group of porpoises swam by coming quite close to the boats.
Always fun to see these mammals swim by!
Another fun sighting was sleeping sea lions. We envy their ability to just hang out with their nose barely above the surface and their flippers extended to the sky.
Sleeping Sea lion
The coastline is changing from mainly steep cliffs to areas with some large beaches. We also passed by the only village of this section. It seemed rather abandoned as there were no boats or people. A road can be found here, but it sounds like it is rarely used if at all.
A beautiful beach is nestled between the mountains. Too early to stop.
With the wind pushing us and also going with the current, we are making good time today. Still time to admire the unique rock designs along the shore.
Love the geology on this section
More interesting rock
As the sun is setting we pull onto a beach made entirely out of pumice. It will do nicely and the lights of Gonzaga Bay are in the distance. It was a stretch goal today, but with the help of wind and currents we are here!
Mileage paddled -31.3 nautical miles