Dec. 11, 2014

The winds are generally calmest in the mornings. That means that breakfast is often eaten in the dark and loading of the kayaks is also done with headlamps. Great time to be on the water as the sun rises. We were blessed today as the winds remained calm all day. Fisherman were out with their nets in the water at the southern part of the bay. Not sure what they were trying to net, but we did see several schools of fish that were jumping.  Bay of Conception was originally known as a location with great fishing and shellfish gathering , due to over fishing that is not the case today. The beauty above the water has not changed and with the water being so calm we do not have to focus on paddling, but can soak in the views.  When we take a break, a yellow butterfly takes a liking to my kayak.  As we round the southern part of the bay and head north, the main road is close above us.  We are hoping to find a small space that we can put our tent, not seen from the highway.  As we round a point we see such a location, it reminds us of places we have camped in Alaska. It was quite rocky, but with a little effort we were able to carve out enough space for our tent.