The morning of the 6th we were able to break camp and get on the water to continue our journey. As the morning progressed, the wind continued to calm and by the time we were going around Pumta Conception we had large swells, but no wind. The swells were large enough that we would disappear from each other as we sank below the trough and then rose to the crest. The swells were breaking along the shore but fortunately we knew of a beach that we could land that had a rocky reef with an entrance. We had camped here in Dec. and knew that it would work to land in these conditions. The wind continued to be absent and the swells began to mellow during the night so when we did an early morning check on the 7th it was a go. We didn't have a destination in mind, as we figured the weather would determine that for us. It was a beautiful morning and as usual the sun greeted us in full splendor. Even though the tide does not have a lot of influence in this section of the Baja, it can be helpful. With the swells and some tidal current we made good time. We were able to take some shore breaks and visit some of our favorite camping spots from years ago. As one heads down the coast the major points become evident. We passed Punta Rosa, then Punta Colorado, Punta Theresea was on the horizon.. Today the wind was our friend, as the breeze that came up mid morning and lasted all day never built. It just pushed us along. When we rounded Punta Theresea, we were ready to make camp.. It had been a long day of paddling, but with the conditions being so great it was hard not to stay on the water. Where we decided to camp for the night was a place that we had camped with our son, Ryan when he was two, over 27 years ago. The beach looked about the same except for all the debri that had been washed down the arroyo by the recent hurricane.
Camping at Punta Theresea,