Jan. 12, 2015

It was an easy morning to pack as most things were already packed. We just had to haul everything to the beach front. The roosters were crowing, the dogs barking, morning would happen soon.  Not a breathe of air was felt as we put our paddles in the water. Sure seems like we're going to have another day of calm water. As the sun rose it was if we were on a large lake. Love the reflctions in the water. South of Loreto new developments are increasing. Much to our dismay we even paddled by a golf course. A mountain range comes close to the shoreline and we were in awe of the beauty. Soon we were crossing to Isla Danzante. This island is part of the National Parque and permits are needed to camp on the beach. We had planned to camp here, but with the wind remaining calm it was quite enjoyable to meander the shore line and then cross over to Isla Carmen.
