Sept. 19, 2015

The rain started falling during the night. Seems like the rainy days are winning. There are clouds and fog, but we get plenty of beautiful views.  The leaves are quite magical in all their color schemes. The best bird sighting today was of a family of young grouse, They were quite involved with eating and approached quite near.  It was interesting to see the different feather patterns of the males and females. There was only one thru hiker that passed us today, Hannah Solo from Wyoming. She was nursing a sore calf and was slow on the uphill. A lot of day hikers were out on the trail today. It was somewhat surprising as the weather was not very nice. Got to Lake Susan Jane, our destination about 3. The rain came in waves so we were able to get our tent set up in a lull.. Took a nap,  and finished reading the Martian.  Glad that he made it back to earth. Dinner was cheese and Tortilla Soup. We are looking forward to getting showers tomorrow.

Mileage hiked 15 mlles-Lake Susan Jane