This was the day we had planned to go to San Felipe. According to our calculations it was about 13 miles away. We should be able to do it by early afternoon or sooner. As we were just beginning to wake up, I hear a hiss, hiss noise. I couldn't figure why Don was making this noise until I realized that he was asleep and someone else was doing it. There was a cliff above our tent and someone was standing there. As my heart rate increased I woke Don up and said someone is out there. I shouted Hola and Que pasa. The man came running down the cliff. He immediately became apologetic and said oh so sorry I thought you were someone else. With that he took off down the beach. Not the kind of encounter that we like to have. Fortunately it was almost light so we got up and were getting ready to depart. We then noticed that he was returning and meandering down the beach. This time he asked for a lighter and when we did not have one he kept going, Thankfully.
The wind as predicted had picked up and was coming from the North. We were now into shallow sand bars so with the wind and waves it made for slow going. Frequently a large wave would break near us. It definitely felt like paddling in a white water river. We just kept moving, albeit at a slow pace. Eventually we saw the town of San Felipe. The first place that we could see with road access and camping was our destination. We saw a place with potential and landed on the beach.
Don walked up to a building and was able to get the oK to camp here. He also inquired about the possibility of getting a ride to go pick up our car about 40 miles away. That also was a go so it seems like we are set.
We take our end of paddle photos with the boats.
We load up our gear, make dinner and watch the lights of nearby San Felipe.
Mileage paddled- 12.8 nautical miles