During the night the wind blew and the waves crashed on the shore. We did not even need to go outside of our tent to check the weather. Looks like we might be hanging out here for awhile. We had fresh fruit from our shopping in Ketchikan so breakfast was a real treat. We must be near some good fishing grounds as boats are beginning to show up in front of the campsite. They are rocking back and forth with the waves. Several hours later though the wind has shifted and the current has switched. We are crossing the Behm canal which will take us several hours, but the conditions have improved and we decide to load up the boats and head across. It is a bit of a carry across some rocky terrain, but we are used to that and soon we are loaded and on the water. I decide to use our Greenland styled paddle and enjoy the different set of muscles that are used.
Still some wind.
The weather is unsettled and we are not sure how far we will get today, but getting across the channel was a goal. We were glad when we reached the shore on the other side. At least we could look for places to land. We landed at a little creek, took a break and watched the waves beginning to build. We will be looking for a place to camp soon. Waves were hitting the shore and we really did not want to do a surf landing as most of the coastline was quite rocky. Finally we found a spot that had some rocks that gave the landing a bit of a break.
It has some protection and is quite scenic.
Right behind our camp are some large trees, but right behind them is a clear cut logging operation. There are also some huge stumps that are remains of old growth trees that had been cut down. One can only imagine what the coastline looked like 200 years ago.
We take a short walk around the forest and check out the trees.
Close by is the logging operation
We level a spot for the tent and find a protected place for the kitchen tarp as well. Looks like we might be here for awhile. It is always interesting to listen to the weather reports as they can be so different than what we are observing. They do give us some indication of what is going on in the big picture.
Home for the night
Comes with it own tree garden!
Nautical miles traveled 12