The burros and their bells serenaded us thru the night. There was quite a crew of them wondering around the arroyo. There was even a couple of horses with them. We had the best flat kitchen ever as a slab of concrete was near our site. A couple of fisherman were camped to the south of us. They had built a big fire next to a rock that reflected the light. It was a new moon so there was no night light. They were using it as a light so they would know where to return after a night of fishing. Another calm day as we headed toward Loreto. We needed to get permits for the islands so ideally we would camp near Loreto tonight and be at the National Parque office in the morning. As we got closer to town we were a bit surprised at all the houses and the private property signs. Fortunately we found a small spot that would work and we watched the lights of Loreto twinkle in the distance.
It was a flat calm day