The wind died some during the night, and we were able to get off the beach doing a surf launch. As the sun came up we found ourselves paddling against a strong head wind. At times we were essentiallly maintaining our positions, especially when the gusts would come. We paddled close to the shore taking advantage of any wind break. One point that we rounded had numerous sea lions that greeted us with their barkings. Finally the wind died, but the swells were huge. We would disappear from each other when we were in the trough of the wave. A site that has been reccomended to us on this northern shore was a sandy beach with cliffs on both sides. We had to do a surf landing when it appeared but we're glad to be on shore. The wind had picked up again so we decided to make pizza and see if it would become calmer later. Fortunately it did and we were able to round the last point and head south on the Eastern side. We made camp, took a short walk and saw a Big Horn Sheep on the hillside. It was a perfect ending to the day.
Dessert Bighorn Sheep